Ethiopia Education Initiatives

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Conversations on Campus

Helen Mesfin on campus at Haile-Manas Academy

Helen Mesfin serves on the EEI Board of Directors. She is the host of “The Helen Show,” broadcast on EBS TV, which celebrates Ethiopians, Ethiopian Americans and Africans by facilitating honest conversations on relevant everyday issues ranging from business, family, career, lifestyle and health geared specifically to Ethiopian and Africans in the continent and Diaspora. Click here and here to watch our features on EBS TV.

I have the honor of serving on the EEI Board of Directors, and have been waiting for a while to visit HMA in Debre Birhan—and what a visit it was. It was my first trip to Debre Birhan and I was unprepared for the stunning beauty of the landscape as we drove the 130 km to campus in the crisp early morning. I have seen pictures and videos of the school over the last few years, but seeing it in person blew me away! This is what it looks like to have a world class education preparing our children to be leaders and compete in the 21st century world. It’s not just the physical beauty of the buildings, campus and classrooms, but also the energy and life the students and faculty breathe into the school. 

I spent time with students sharing my learnings over the years, and their follow-up questions were insightful, thoughtful and full of confidence. We talked about perseverance through struggles, pursuing passions one step at a time, and surrounding oneself with positive role models. I shared how when I was in high school, I couldn’t wait to graduate because I thought life began in college or when all my dreams would come true. But it turns out, life is full of adventures, ups and downs with twists and turns. I encouraged them instead to enjoy and take full advantage of the experience and where they are at this moment at HMA, and to do the same at each next season. 

Throughout my visit I met many wonderful students who came up to me and shared about their families, thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. Several students told me they decided to attend HMA after watching one of my interviews with Rebecca Haile, the co-founder of HMA, or after seeing HMA’s feature on EBS TV last December, which was so heartwarming.

My interaction with two lovely young ladies stood out. Elbethel and Yeabsira, both seniors, shared how they were assigned a presentation, and they chose to “play” The Helen Show! They acted out a session about “Conflict Resolution”; Elbethel played me, and Yeabsira played my guest. I was so impressed and moved by them. In their presentation, they talked about both traditional and Western methods of conflict resolution and how they could take the best from both and come up with solutions that were uniquely ours to employ. What a timely and serious topic—I was thrilled to see them apply their learning to everyday life, and flattered that they chose me as a positive role model and my show as an example to emulate. 

I’ve been doing the Helen Show on EBS TV for the last 13 years with a mission to foster conversation, growth, and a flourishing Ethiopian and diaspora community. Meeting these incredible students and listening to their stories was an inspiration for me to keep going. I have tremendous hope in the new generation, and I am excited for their future. Quality, world-class education is what will lift us all out of poverty. This long-awaited visit to HMA made me grateful to be part of the HMA story, inspired thinking about what these students can achieve, and filled me with pride at their accomplishments in such a short time.